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The account in the Nationell Idag article does (eventually) provide a few cross-referenceable claims.

> Vad som däremot är märkligt är hur händelsen beskrevs i en av våra största kvällstidningar, nämligen Aftonbladet. Rubriken dagen efter löd 'Jag är fascist' – då höggs han ner.

Allowing for some hyperbole, we're looking for Aftonbladet headlines on (or shortly after) 1982-03-19. I'm again suspicious that the author made a more concrete reference to an article that doesn't support the claims, but superficially appears to:

> En av många artiklar om våldsamma skinheads som publicerades under denna tid (Aftonbladet, 20 juni 1982).

But they recover some of my respect by finally providing concrete court dates:

> Den 11 juni, efter knappt tre månaders utredning, föll domen i tingsrätten.

> Hovrätten dömde Jacques Wallner till 18 månaders fängelse den 17 december 1982.

These dates might help relocate the court documents (which were online, but have since linkrotted). Lots of things claimed at the beginning of this article that seem as though they would be "facts of the case" (e.g. statements about what testimony was given) are later described as the claims of an unnamed family member of Magnus.

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