Doing your own toy operating system is a great learning experience and I can recommend it to anyone who has the right hacker attitude and a little bit of prerequisite knowledge.
OSdev is a pretty good starting point for basic resources. You'll need to build your own GNU toolchain (gcc + binutils + gdb) for cross compiling (don't try to use the one that ships with your OS, it will subtly fail when you don't expect it to), get an emulator (e.g. qemu or bochs) and a bootloader to get started. Do not write your own bootloader code or try to stick to pure asm, you'll get nowhere fast. Use the multiboot protocol so you can easily get booted on emulators and real iron using GRUB2. Note: I assumed you want to work on x86.
In addition to OSdev, the Intel manuals are an excellent resource. They are a pretty nice thing to read even if you don't intend to write an OS. Although reading through them will probably get your OS hacking itch going and you can't stop yourself. That happened to me. The Intel manuals are here: . Volumes 1 and 3a are the most important.
When I read "Do not write your own bootloader...", I immediately objected until I saw "assumed...x86". In that case, I agree. If you are going to build an OS for ARM or MIPS, you really learn a lot if you make your own bootloader.
Only when you want to run it on real hardware. Most qemu targets can boot straight from a binary blob or an ELF image (the emulator initializes the emulated hardware and then sets the PC to the address where the blob is loaded). Those that can't are easily modifiable to do so.
Also, U-Boot can boot a lot of things this days.
So if I were to build an OS for ARM or MIPS I would:
1) Build it on an emulator that can boot from ELF or a binary blob.
2) When it's time to run on real hardware, try to use U-Boot.
3) If that fails, write my own boot loader.
The moral of the story is: bootloaders are not my kind of fun, so I'll avoid writing them at all costs.
Yes, you're right. For my OS class when I was in school, instead of doing the proposed homework, I convinced the professor to let me do a x86 OS. We were a group of 3. I started doing everything in C with as little as assembly as possible, but the other two decidet to do an all-assembly little monster.
At the end of the course, we had only the boot loader and a little command interpreter, aside from FAT-12 support.
Then, much later, I messed with OS by playing with the code from the Minix Book [1].
Last year I wrote a little emulator for a virtually unknown architecture that can run uClinux on a modern browser (i.e., Chrome)[2].
this and geezer's site are the OGs of OS dev. Both offshoots of, iirc, and have been around for more than a decade.
if I were messing with OS dev today I would probably study the algorithms in a friendly HLL, there are some texts that use Java. these sites are more helpful to actual implementors, specially driver developers.
x86 architecture is terrible for pedagogy in many ways, and it's probably harder today than it was 10 years ago, with real-mode now finally gone, except for the first few nanos after machine boots.
> x86 architecture is terrible for pedagogy in many ways, and it's probably harder today than it was 10 years ago, with real-mode now finally gone, except for the first few nanos after machine boots.
x86_64 is a pretty clean actually. The instruction set is pretty horrible but rest of the moving parts are fairly consistent. Page tables, interrupt controllers and things like that work pretty nicely through memory mapped i/o.
I bought a Raspberry Pi with a view to developing a hobby OS. Turns out that the graphics chip spec is closed and will only work with a Linux binary blob provided by the manufacturer.
You might want to try that Exynos 4/Mali 400 $130 development board that was in the news recently (O-DroidX was the name I think). I know some developers were working on the open source driver for ARM's Mali GPU's, called "Lima". You might get more documentation for Mali from ARM as well.
Interesting, but very Intel-centric, the name of the site should probably reflect that. Anyone doing this stuff for fun would probably have a lot more fun on a 68k or MIPS or ARM.
> Interesting, but very Intel-centric, the name of the site should probably reflect that. Anyone doing this stuff for fun would probably have a lot more fun on a 68k or MIPS or ARM.
OSdev is very x86 centric. However, x86_64 is not as bad as you seem to imply. The instruction set is horrible but it's not like you're going to mess with assembly a lot anyway. Memory management units and interrupt controllers, etc are the important bits and they're just fine in x86.
I get a great satisfaction of being able to boot into my toy operating system on the hardware I normally use. And that is an x86. Running inside an emulator or a dev board with dangling wires is not half as fun.
Dealing with both timekeeping and interrupts on x86 systems is awful. Anyone that thinks that the x86 interrupt architecture is "just fine" has rocks in their head.
Yeah, it has it's hairy parts but it still doesn't deserve all the bashing it gets. I found the LAPIC and IOAPIC controllers okay to deal with, I guess there are better ones but multi-core interrupt handling is a complex matter so you can't expect the hardware to be very simple either. Some of the legacy parts are quite hairy, but you can work your way around them quite quickly.
To be fair, it is powered by MediaWiki, perhaps ARM, et al devs could help beef up those sections a bit. It seems like a large chunk of the content is fairly CPU agnostic (unless there are CPU assumptions in them which are deeper than my current understanding, in which case I retract my statement upon some explanation of them).
The list of reference books [1] on the site is quite formidable. Each book in that list deserves a lot of time to do justice to the content they have in them and the hard work/experience authors have put in.
Anyway, even if you start developing your own OS, you may not end up writing the whole of it all by yourself. Most people get a lot of help from outside and that is not at all bad, infact it has already proved itself to be the way to go by the open source Operating systems that are around today.
My friend created a toy OS several years ago (he wrote it in C, then "manually" translated it to binary). He said to me is a good site. I don't know about it, but if you're interested, chick this site out too.
This site is great and contains so much information. Unfortunately it's hardly meaningful part of knowledge you need to write any modern OS. Unfortunately, because it's realy good fun to do stuff like that. It's quite hard to enjoy for a long time creating stuff that even you would not use.
I don't know, I've had a lot of fun making stuff I wouldn't use. Designing and implementing things (programming languages rather than OSes in my case) is more fun than actually using them :).
Not planning to use your project also gives you a certain freedom. You can do all sorts of crazy and impractical things just for fun. My language lets you change the precedence of operators at runtime. It's a stupid feature that would only cause misery in the real world, but I'm not writing my project for the real world :).
That said, it is also fun to write things people actually use. In fact, just having users or using your own program yourself makes up for having to deal with boring issues, annoying corner cases and reality in general.
I really recommend the irc channel #osdev (freenode). When I was making my os, I get stuck many times and debugging an OS is pure pain (I used bochs) but some people on #osdev help me to find the bugs and learn in the process.
OSdev is a pretty good starting point for basic resources. You'll need to build your own GNU toolchain (gcc + binutils + gdb) for cross compiling (don't try to use the one that ships with your OS, it will subtly fail when you don't expect it to), get an emulator (e.g. qemu or bochs) and a bootloader to get started. Do not write your own bootloader code or try to stick to pure asm, you'll get nowhere fast. Use the multiboot protocol so you can easily get booted on emulators and real iron using GRUB2. Note: I assumed you want to work on x86.
In addition to OSdev, the Intel manuals are an excellent resource. They are a pretty nice thing to read even if you don't intend to write an OS. Although reading through them will probably get your OS hacking itch going and you can't stop yourself. That happened to me. The Intel manuals are here: . Volumes 1 and 3a are the most important.
And here are the humble beginnings of my hobby operating system: