Gource has two modes. One to generate the correctly formatted input file and another to render it.
If you are doing fixed renders, then it’s easy enough to run each process in turn, given a git repo URL which you need to pull locally.
You pipe your gource data source output to the gource renderer, which is running with a virtual screen via xvfb, which needs the same resolution viewport. You can then pipe that to ffmeg and save the output to a volume.
You could pipe using the flv option to an RTMP server or stream (see rtmp-hls based on nginx).
If you want to do realtime on Docker you’ll need to pipe one to the next and you will need to tweak ffmeg to provide a okish steady output video stream using the realtime flag on gource. You’ll need to find a way to poll your git repo and append to the gource input file though for full real time. Gource is smart, but not smart enough to do that without some workarounds. You might find supervisord useful to separate your processes in your docker container.
I don’t see the problem for quickly trying out code…
The code is in C afaict. If it would be Go or Java, I would be fine to build it myself, but C…. I’m worried about getting into a rabbit hole especially as GPU support is required. Building with GPU on mac silicon can be pretty complex.
Compare this to running a container with 1 - 2 lines.
Btw I should have inquired about a container image, don’t want to imply that Docker is the default.
it took less than a minute to figure out dependencies and build on my workstation (EL9). If you don't have an OS with a package manager, it might be harder though...
Only way to try it out is build it?