Numerous polls indicate younger generations strongly favor the Palestinian side of the conflict in direct opposition to older generations. That being said I would say PR is not working out for Israel.
I suspect that is because older generations remember the PLO as a major terrorist organization supported by numerous other terrorist organizations. Although most of the world still sees Hamas as a terrorist organization younger generations haven’t witnessed any notable Palestinian sponsored terrorist act until the Oct 7 attack. Even then as horrible as that attack was Israel still found a way to completely over shadow it with something much worse.
At the same time the world is also watching wholesale increases of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank will reading about illegal settlements.
That is astoundingly bad PR. It’s so bad now that any action Israel takes against Iran is seen as unilateral, excessively aggressive, and unprovoked which was absolutely not the case just 20 years ago.
Then to somehow still make that much worse the typical response to disagreements from political hardliners is to call people antisemetic. Older generations used to cautiously appreciate the sensitivity of such and tread carefully. Younger generations seem tired of hearing it from Israeli politicians.
>Older generations used to cautiously appreciate the sensitivity of such and tread carefully. Younger generations seem tired of hearing it from Israeli politicians.
I think it's much simpler than that. Younger Generations are just sick and tired of walking on eggshells when it comes to calling out jewish-exceptionalism[0] and that trend was accelerated after having witnessed the self declared "jewish-state" commit livestreamed terrorism and genocide for more than a year with absolute impunity. Israel was[1][2][3] and Israel still is the biggest terrorist organization in the region by far and has been since its inception[3].
> That being said I would say PR is not working out for Israel.
In the long run not. That's I believe why we see so much aggression: time's running out for 'm.
> I suspect that is because ...
I think it is because the older generations believed corporate media. Younger gens get their news from elsewhere. If you picture the "conflict" in numbers you will see the Palestinians suffered much greater losses, while Israel plays the victim card on every occasion. Kids simply dont buy it.
I suspect that is because older generations remember the PLO as a major terrorist organization supported by numerous other terrorist organizations. Although most of the world still sees Hamas as a terrorist organization younger generations haven’t witnessed any notable Palestinian sponsored terrorist act until the Oct 7 attack. Even then as horrible as that attack was Israel still found a way to completely over shadow it with something much worse.
At the same time the world is also watching wholesale increases of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank will reading about illegal settlements.
That is astoundingly bad PR. It’s so bad now that any action Israel takes against Iran is seen as unilateral, excessively aggressive, and unprovoked which was absolutely not the case just 20 years ago.
Then to somehow still make that much worse the typical response to disagreements from political hardliners is to call people antisemetic. Older generations used to cautiously appreciate the sensitivity of such and tread carefully. Younger generations seem tired of hearing it from Israeli politicians.