And what's the first thing I read on the Guardian's site today? A tongue-in-cheek Olympics etiquette guide that starts with:
Welcome, and before we begin – please accept our apologies. Your four-hour nightmare wait at passport control should not be taken as a symptom of Britain's contempt for foreigners. It is merely a symptom of a woeful lack of spending on a key aspect of travel infrastructure in the run-up to a hugely important event. In other words, it's the government that hates you. Don't worry, they hate us too.
Ha this reminds me of an American guy I saw on the train near London talking to his kids -
- They were impressed how fast the trains were (just the normal ones) ... then:
"Daddy do people love the government here"
"People love the government here".
I was tempted to put him right, but it was too funny.
To clarify: We like stuff like the NHS and the BBC which are paid for with public money, but like other countries we never like the current government and how they spend our £.
Welcome, and before we begin – please accept our apologies. Your four-hour nightmare wait at passport control should not be taken as a symptom of Britain's contempt for foreigners. It is merely a symptom of a woeful lack of spending on a key aspect of travel infrastructure in the run-up to a hugely important event. In other words, it's the government that hates you. Don't worry, they hate us too.