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Not at all -- if you're something like LazyVim with the stock config, then in a large project it's just <leader>ff to search by filename or <leader>sg to grep across the project (using ripgrep!) or for a symbol search <leader>sS (using symbols provided by the LSP).

I haven't found anything better than Neovim+Lazyvim and switched from ST4 a couple of years ago and never looked back.

<leader><leader> also opens the fuzzy finder in LazyVim. I don’t like it quite as much as <shift><shift> which is the shortcut in Jetbrains but it’s better than <Cmd>-P in VS Code

Yes that works too! I use <leader>fb to fuzzy search over open buffers so <leader>ff is a bit more natural, albeit longer than <leader><leader>.

I think my favorite feature is `gr` (in command mode) to "goto references" for the symbol under the cursor. I use this all the time (as well as `gd` for goto definition which with the LSP is really precise).

Similarly, I found the kickstart.nvim immensely helpful as a jumping off point.


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