> It was also revealed that the Polish Internal Security Agency (ABW) had, in October 2022, submitted a case against Newag regarding the abovementioned software manipulation incidents to the prosecutor's office in Nowy Sącz, which initially downplayed the incident until said findings publicly came to light, after which, the investigation was taken over by the regional prosecutor's office in Kraków on suspicion of crimes committed under Article 269 §1 and Article 286 §1 of the Polish Penal Code.
> The Sejm's [Sejm is "the lower house of the bicameral parliament of Poland"] Parliamentary Committee for Combating Transport Exclusion subsequently convened three hearings regarding the abovementioned allegations on 17 January, 27 February and 26 March 2024, whose participants included representatives of the Dragon Sector team, Newag, railway operators and members of the Sejm.[19]
They are. Both sides that are interchangeably leading the country. Nothing really changed since at least 50+ years. Same names, same stories.
Both groups did some PR moves showing police, CBA and ABW being successful catching some poor guys fighting with the system.