Anyone who says AI is useless never had to do the old method of cobbling together git and ffmpeg commands from StackOverflow answers.
I have no interest in learning the horrible unintuitive UX of every CLI I interact with, I'd much rather just describe in English what I want and have the computer figure it out for me. It has practically never failed me, and if it does I'll know right away and I can fall back to the old method of doing it manually. For now it's saving me so much time with menial, time-wasting day-to-day tasks.
Most of those people are a bit bad at making their case. What they mean but don't convey well is that AI is useless for it's proclaimed uses.
You are correct that LLMs are pretty good at guessing this kind of well-documented & easily verifiable but hard to find information. That is a valid use. (Though, woe betide the fool who uses LLMs for irreversible destructive actions.)
The thing is though, this isn't enough. There just aren't that many questions out there that match those criteria. Generative AI is too expensive to serve that small a task. Charging a buck a question won't earn the $100 billion OpenAI needs to balance the books.
Your use case gets dismissed because on it's own, it doesn't sustain AI.
I think you’re on to something. I find the sentiment around LLMs (which is at the early adoption stage) to be unnecessarily hostile. (beyond normal HN skepticism)
But it can be simultaneously true that LLMs add a lot of value to some tasks and less to others —- and less to some people. It’s a bit tautological, but in order to benefit from LLMs, you have to be in a context where you stand to most benefit from LLMs. These are people who need to generate ideas, are expert enough to spot consequential mistakes, know when to use LLMs and when not to. They have to be in a domain where the occasional mistake generated costs less than the new ideas generated, so they still come out ahead. It’s a bit paradoxical.
LLMs are good for: (1) bite-sized chunks of code; (2) ideating; (3) writing once-off code in tedious syntax that I don’t really care to learn (like making complex plots in seaborn or matplotllib); (4) adding docstrings and documentation to code; (5) figuring out console error messages, with suggestions as to causes (I’ve debugged a ton of errors this way — and have arrived at the answer faster than wading through Stackoverflow); (6) figuring out what algorithm to use in a particular situation; etc.
They’re not yet good at: (1) understanding complex codebases in their entirety (this is one of the overpromises; even Aider Chat’s docs tell you not to ingest the whole codebase); (2) any kind of fully automated task that needs to be 100% deterministic and correct (they’re assistants); (3) getting math reasoning 100% correct (but they can still open up new avenues for exploration that you’ve never even thought about);
It takes practice to know what LLMs are good at and what they’re not. If the initial stance is negativity rather than a growth mindset, then that practice never comes.
But it’s ok. The rest of us will keep on using LLMs and move on.
I've been sold AI as if it can do anything. It's being actively sold like a super intelligent independent human that never needs breaks.
And it just isn't that thing. Or, rather, it is super intelligent but lacks any wisdom at all; thus rendering it useless for how it's being sold to me.
>which is at the early adoption stage
I've said this in other places here. LLM's simply aren't at early adoption stage anymore. They're being packaged into literally every saas you can buy. They're a main selling point for things like website builders and other direct to business software platforms.
Why not ignore the hype, and just quietly use what works?
I don’t use anything other than ChatGPT 4o and Claude Sonnet 3.5v2. That’s it. I’ve derived great value from just these two.
I even get wisdom from them too. I use them to analyze news, geopolitics, arguments around power structures, urban planning issues, privatization pros and cons, and Claude especially is able to give me the lay of the land which I am usually able to follow up on. This use case is more of the “better Google” variety rather than task-completion, and it does pretty well for the most part. Unlike ChatGPT, Claude will even push back when I make factually incorrect assertions. It will say “Let me correct you on that…”. Which I appreciate.
As long as I keep my critical thinking hat on, I am able to make good use of the lines of inquiry that they produce.
Same caveat applies even to human-produced content. I read the NYTimes and I know that it’s wrong a lot, so I have to trust but verify.
I agree with you, but it's just simply not how these things are being sold and marketed. We're being told we do not have to verify. The AI knows all. It's undetectable. It's smarter and faster than you.
And it's just not.
We made a scavenger hunt full of puzzles and riddles for our neighbor's kids to find their Christmas gifts from us (we don't have kids at home anymore, so they fill that niche and are glad to because we go ballistic at Christmas and birthdays). The youngest of the group is the tech kid.
He thought he fixed us when he realized he could use chatgpt to solve the riddles and cyphers. It recognized the Caesar letter shift to negative 3, but then made up a random phrase with words the same length to solve it. So the process was right, but the outcome was just outlandishly incorrect. It wasted about a half hour of his day. . .
Now apply that to complex systems or just a simple large database, hell, even just a spreadsheet. You check the process, and it's correct. You don't know the outcome, so you can't verify unless you do it yourself. So what's the point?
For context, I absolutely use LLM's for things that I know roughly, but don't want to spend the time to do. They're useful for that.
They're simply not useful for how they're being marketed, which is too solve problems you don't already know.
An example that might be of interest to readers: I gave it two logs, one failing and one successful, and asked it to troubleshoot. It turned out a loosely pinned dependency (Docker image) had updated in the failing one. An error mode I was familiar with and could have solved on my own, but the LLM saved me time. They are reliable at sifting through text.
I had a debate recently with a colleague who is very skeptical of LLMs for every day work. Why not lean in on searching Google and cross referencing answers, like we've done for ages? And that's fine.
But my counterargument is that what I find to be so powerful about the LLMs is the ability to refine my question, narrow in on a tangent and then pull back out, etc. And *then* I can take its final outcome and cross reference it. With the old way of doing things, I often felt like I was stumbling in the dark trying to find the right search string. Instead I can use the LLM to do the heavy lifting for me in that regard.
> Anyone who says AI is useless never had to do the old method of cobbling together git and ffmpeg commands from StackOverflow answers.
It's useful for that yes, but I'd rather just live in a world where we didn't have such disasters of CLI that are git and ffmpeg.
LLMs are very useful for generating the obscure boilerplate needed because the underlying design is horrible. Relying on it means acquiescing to those terrible designs rather than figuring out redesigns that don't need the LLMs. For comparison, IntelliJ is very good at automating all the boilerplate generation that Java imposes on me, but I'd rather we didn't have boilerplate languages like Java, and I'd rather that IntelliJ's boilerplate generation didn't exist.
I fear in many cases that if an LLM is solving your problem, you are solving the wrong problem.
I'm not arguing against the UX of those tools, but isn't this a case of the problem being a hard one to solve and people having different needs? ffmpeg has a lot of knobs, but that's just the nature of media conversion and manipulation, just like ImageMagick. I'm not against using LLMs for restricting the search space to a specific problems, but I'm often seeing people not even understanding the problem itself, just its apparent physicality.
> Anyone who says AI is useless never had to do the old method of cobbling together git and ffmpeg commands from StackOverflow answers.
These days, I'm more likely to read the manual pages and take notes on interesting bits. If I'm going to rely on some tooling for some time, dedicating a few hours of reading is a good trade-off for me. No need to even remember everything, just the general way it solves the problem. Anything more precise is captured in notes, scripts, shell history,... I dare anyone to comes out with an essay like this from LLMs:
> if it does I'll know right away and I can fall back to the old method of doing it manually
It's well and ok with things you can botch with no consequence other than some time wasted. But I've bricked enough VMs trying commands I did not understand to know that if you need to not fuck up something you'll have to read those docs and understand them. And hope they're not out of date / wrong.
I have no interest in learning the horrible unintuitive UX of every CLI I interact with, I'd much rather just describe in English what I want and have the computer figure it out for me. It has practically never failed me, and if it does I'll know right away and I can fall back to the old method of doing it manually. For now it's saving me so much time with menial, time-wasting day-to-day tasks.