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I would like to note that Linux is the only kernel which will allow you to do this! The Linux system call interface is stable and defined at the instruction set level. Linking against some system library is absolutely required on every other system.

I've written an article about this idea:


You can get incredibly far with just this. I wrote a freestanding lisp interpreter with nothing but Linux system calls. It turned into a little framework for freestanding Linux programs. It's been incredibly fun.

Freestanding C is a much better language. A lot of legacy nonsense is in the standard library. The Linux system call interface is really nice to work with. Calling write is not that hard. It's the printf style string building and formatting that I sometimes miss.

"Absolutely required" is some strong language. It's perfectly possible to, e.g., perform direct syscalls on Windows, and you'll occasionally see malware that does it to avoid certain forms of detection. You just have to switch on the OS version, and update your binary if you want it to be compatible with a newer version.

I agree that it was too strong a claim. It's not supported by the developers and if you bypass their system libraries your program will break when they change things up.

Linux kernel is known to be able to run binaries compiled in the 90s. Breaking user space makes Linus yell at people until the breakage gets reverted. A platform that stable is worth building on top of. Updating executables is a lot of work, sometimes it's straight up impossible.

> Linking against some system library is absolutely required on every other system.

Not on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD or Solaris.

The article you linked says this but it's not true:

> Sometimes it's not even possible to use system calls at all. OpenBSD has implemented system call origin verification, a security mechanism that only allows system calls originating from the system's libc. So not only is the kernel ABI unstable, normal programs are not even allowed to interface with the kernel at all.

You can still make system calls from normal programs, you just need to list the addresses of system call instructions in an ELF section named openbsd.syscalls.

> Not on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD or Solaris.

Can you cite any sources? I wasn't able to find any documentation that corroborates what you said when I wrote the article. The few texts I found actually suggested otherwise. Maybe things have changed since then?

> You can still make system calls from normal programs, you just need to list the addresses of system call instructions in an ELF section named openbsd.syscalls.

I see. So they have added a mechanism to list the sections allowed to perform system calls. That's news to me. Do they guarantee the system call numbers will remain stable though? That older system calls will remain available?

> Can you cite any sources?

For one, the FreeBSD kernel specifically has a compatibility layer for Linux binaries to use their familiar syscalls [0]. For its ordinary syscalls, it also has a policy not to break binary compatibility without good reason [1]. Most other OSes just don't maintain quite the level of 'indefinite stability' that the Linux kernel does across different versions. And even Linux doesn't implement older versions of syscalls when the kernel is ported to new architectures, so eventually you have to rotate your implementation regardless, if you want people to run your code on new systems.

> The few texts I found actually suggested otherwise.

People often say "X is impossible" when the truth is "X is tricky and full of caveats, and I don't want to think about it, so stop asking". (Or if the devs themselves are saying it, it might be "I want to look like I'm 'tough on crime' toward users of undocumented behavior", as if that could stop Hyrum's law from running its course.) In this case, it's generally "If you do it on an OS other than Linux, you can run into big compatibility issues," not "It's impossible on OSes other than Linux."

As for compatibility issues, you're running into that the moment you do undocumented fun stuff like omitting ELF sections or overlapping headers, which future Linux versions could start rejecting on the basis of "no one needs to do that legitimately". So I wouldn't start drawing the line on syscall number compatibility.

[0] https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/linuxemu/

[1] https://wiki.freebsd.org/AddingSyscalls#Backward_compatibily

> For one, the FreeBSD kernel specifically has a compatibility layer for Linux binaries to use their familiar syscalls [0].

I believe this strengthens my argument. Linux kernel-userspace interface is so stable other projects are implementing it. I remember Justine Tunney mentioning this before, the idea that the x86_64 Linux system call ABI is turning into some kind of lingua franca of systems programming.


> x86-64 Linux ABI Makes a Pretty Good Lingua Franca

Would be interesting if people started targeting Linux because of this, banking on the fact that other systems will just implement Linux. Even Windows has Linux built into it these days.

> For its ordinary syscalls, it also has a policy not to break binary compatibility without good reason.

Thank you for the source. I don't think that's a particularly strong guarantee. It's certainly stronger than OpenBSD's at least.

> Most other OSes just don't maintain quite the level of 'indefinite stability' that the Linux kernel does across different versions

Yeah. I think this is something that makes Linux unique.

> And even Linux doesn't implement older versions of syscalls when the kernel is ported to new architectures, so eventually you have to rotate your implementation regardless, if you want people to run your code on new systems.

That's true. Only new architectures are affected though. The old ones have all the old system calls, many with multiple versions, all supported. Porting to a new architecture doesn't invalidate the stability of existing ones.

> People often say "X is impossible" when the truth is "X is tricky and full of caveats, and I don't want to think about it, so stop asking".

> Or if the devs themselves are saying it, it might be "I want to look like I'm 'tough on crime' toward users of undocumented behavior"

I get what you're saying. I truly apologize if I came across that way. I did not mean to say that.

I got interested in this low level direct system call stuff because I literally got sick of reading "but you, mere mortal, are not meant to access these raw system interfaces, that's for us, you are meant to call the little library function we made for you" in the Linux and libc manuals. Last thing I want is to end up doing the same to others.

By "can't do this" I meant to say the developers maintaining the system don't want you bypassing their system libraries and won't take responsibility for it if you do so. If the program breaks because the kernel interfaces changed, they'll tell us it's our own fault and refuse fix to it.

Linux takes the opposite approach: breaking user space makes Linus Torvalds yell at the people until the breakage is reverted. I'm enthusiastic about it because it's the only system where this is supported.

> As for compatibility issues, you're running into that the moment you start doing undocumented fun stuff like omitting ELF sections or overlapping headers

I agree. Should be fine as long as the ELF specification is respected. It's okay though, ELF is flexible enough that even in 2024 it's possible to invent some new fun stuff.


Embedding arbitrary files into an existing ELF and patching it so that Linux automatically maps it in before the program even runs. Since Linux gives processes a pointer to the program headers, the file is in memory and reachable without a issuing a single system call.

> Can you cite any sources?

Personal experience.

> Do they guarantee the system call numbers will remain stable though?

No. Doesn't mean you can't make system calls from outside the libc though.

Every process must be able to make system calls. This is after all the mechanism by which the system libraries will interface with the kernel.

The problem is the system's developers don't want us bypassing those libraries. We can do it but things can and probably will break in the future when they change things. It's not supported.

> I would like to note that Linux is the only kernel which will allow you to do this!

I'm pretty sure that MVS syscalls (that is, the numbers you use with the SVC opcode) have remained backward-compatible at least as far back as MVS 3.8 in the 1970s and those binaries making those "raw" syscalls will still work on the latest z/OS releases.

There are a _lot_ more operating systems than Linux, Windows, and the BSDs... making a statement that the Linux kernel is the only kernel to do something a certain way is a risky proposition :-)

That's awesome. I didn't know about that system and never thought to look for it. Can you point me towards documentation where the vendor promises the interface will remain stable and backwards compatible? I'll remember it.

The Linux promise:


As a web developer, 90% of what you just wrote is nonsense to me. How did you learn this stuff? Do you use it for useful projects or just for fun?

Curiosity and free time. You learn stuff like this by reading tens of thousands of lines of text and code for every line of code that you write.

I've always been all about the hidden fun stuff. The magical little programs that somehow configure audio cards. The ALSA mixer tool for example does it via special ioctls. I was reading its source code not too long ago. The manuals said those definitions were for the curious and that those ioctls were private, as though it was the library's author exclusive privilege to use those things. I seriously hate it when they say that. When they imply I'm some mere mortal who's better off using the libraries that were gifted to us by the gods of programming.

Good or bad, quite a bit of hubris is involved. Takes a certain audacity to think I can make a better wheel than people who are probably much smarter than I am. Sometimes I start projects just to prove to myself that I'm not clinically insane for thinking a better way is possible. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Someone once called an idea I had schizophrenic. I'll never forget that day.

This Linux system call stuff started after I read an LWN article about glibc and Linux specific system call support, getrandom to be specific. Took glibc years to add support. I started a liblinux project because of that article. The idea was to get rid of libc and talk to Linux directly. In order to accomplish that, I was forced to learn a lot of compiler, linker and executable stuff. The musl libc source code taught me a lot.

It seems like the C library is doing a huge amount of stuff but it turns out you don't actually need most of it. Linux just puts your binary in memory and jumps into some address specified in the ELF header. Normally this when the C library or dynamic linker takes over in order to prepare to call main(). Turns out I can just replace all that with some simple code that calls a function and then exits the process when it returns. It just works. I won't have init/fini section processing but I can live with that, that's harmful stuff that shouldn't even have been invented to begin with.

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