Up until I was about 10 years old, my family would drive to my grandparents’ house every year to celebrate Christmas Eve with my extended family. We’d track Santa using the NORAD Santa tracker (which, by coincidence, reports Santa being in San Francisco as I type this) and open presents from my grandparents.
One year, I got a Kindle Fire, which was the first computing device I called my own. Because I didn’t have my own computer and the family computer was usually being used, I did most of my early programming on the Kindle by downloading an app called AIDE that allowed me to compile Android apps on Android (of which the Kindle ran a modified version) and sideload them. By the time next Christmas had rolled around, I’d built my first complete Android application—a graphing calculator complete with support for basic algebraic expressions, trigonometric functions, and a page that explained what every supported mathematical function did and how it worked. I was so excited to show my cousins and grandparents.
Up until I was about 10 years old, my family would drive to my grandparents’ house every year to celebrate Christmas Eve with my extended family. We’d track Santa using the NORAD Santa tracker (which, by coincidence, reports Santa being in San Francisco as I type this) and open presents from my grandparents.
One year, I got a Kindle Fire, which was the first computing device I called my own. Because I didn’t have my own computer and the family computer was usually being used, I did most of my early programming on the Kindle by downloading an app called AIDE that allowed me to compile Android apps on Android (of which the Kindle ran a modified version) and sideload them. By the time next Christmas had rolled around, I’d built my first complete Android application—a graphing calculator complete with support for basic algebraic expressions, trigonometric functions, and a page that explained what every supported mathematical function did and how it worked. I was so excited to show my cousins and grandparents.