If the list contains numbers or strings, you can use
assert sorted(x) == sorted(y)
If you want to add map, then you have to write
assert list(sorted(i.getValue() for i in someCollection)) == [3, 4, 5]
If the list contains non-sortable values, but they are hashable and unique, you can use sets:
assert set(x) == set(y)
If the values are not unique, but hashable, you can use a counter (like a set but with count for repeating values):
assert Counter(x) == Counter(y)
(by the way I learned about this trick from a LLM)
And if the values are neither sortable, nor hashable, you'll have to write a helper function.
But still, pytest tests are less wordy and they don't require you to create a class.
This situation is familiar to me, I had to write such helper function when writing tests in PHP, for some reason it is not included in PHPUnit assertions.