I've noticed from my family member that their brain seems to connect more dots, things are more abstract for them. So basically very good for creative work, they are good with words and novel ideas, but also sucks when you attribute behaviors and intentions when they are not there.
> I've noticed from my family member that their brain seems to connect more dots
I've seen that too. It's as if the brain's "saliency threshold" is set too low - suddenly, there are no coincidences; everything is relevant and connected and has personal significance. There's no clear dividing lines between logic and intuition and madness; many of the people we perceive as smartest or most creative are somewhere in the middle.
"saliency threshold", I like that. Yes, this is it. But what is remarkable is that I can get people to believe my delusional thoughts are true because they are so creative and convincing!
The teleological thinking is the worst. And actually so is the creativity. It is fun but it is hard to make a dollar, and also, not everyone likes creative thought because it destroys paradigms.