>How do you communicate with the rest of the organization?
I wonder if Apple's renowned secrecy is a help with this. If nobody outside your small team knows what you are doing then it is hard for them to stick their oar in.
For the record I was interning on Cameron's team while he worked on Rosetta 2 and didn't even know myself what he worked on (the rest of the team and I were working on something else). I only found out later after it was released!
Apple is like this, I have seen plenty of instances where you have one person carrying a team of 5 or more on their back. I always wonder how they manage to compensate them when it’s clear they are getting 10x more done. Hopefully they get paid 10x, but something tells me that isn’t true.
When I was consulting I saw that everywhere. A team of ten people would have one or two primary contributors and often one person who had a negative impact on productivity.
I wonder if Apple's renowned secrecy is a help with this. If nobody outside your small team knows what you are doing then it is hard for them to stick their oar in.