~~Nice addition of a link that doesn't exist in the actual "quoted" source. If it did exist it would certainly be helpful though, so thanks for adding it I guess.~~
Apparently their website design is just so poor their clickable links are identical to the non-clickable plain text. That link is a clickable word if you completely guess you can click on some of the apparent plain text.
Lean is a currently-niche programming language / proof-assistant.
A proof assistant is basically a tool to construct mathematical proofs, which verifies that the proofs are correct like how a compiler verifies types in your programs.
IIUC a regular programming language with a certain set of restrictions already duals as a proof-assistant as discovered by Curry & Howard. By restrictions, I mean something like how Rust forces you to follow certain rules compared to Java.
There's a completely new language reference in the process of being written: https://lean-lang.org/doc/reference/latest/ (by David Thrane Christiansen, co-author of The Little Typer, and Lean FRO member)