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This is the same as usenet. Back in the 80's and 90's the expectation of posting to say alt.tasteless.jokes was that it would happily scroll off into infinity. Then a million years later google has the whole damn lot indexed.

The all-caps thing was just the times, terminals were in transition and people were learning how to use the types of services that today have a highly developed etiquette expectation.

Also, a bunch of these people were programming in 6502 assembly language, every day. It marks you, it does. :-)

6502 was for wimps :) LDIR, CPIR, HL and two register set exchange FTW :)

I cut my teeth on the Z80. Fun chip. Moving to the 6502 was a shock that took me months to get used to.

But at some point, I would think in a language I called "6502 C", and code would pop out of my fingers. It's an interesting experience, writing big programs in assembly code.

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