I suspect commenters already don't quite get the point of design systems in the first place, this UI architecture idea goes several steps beyond that. Design systems are already really hard to pull off depending on the people involved, any effort at systematizing that approach are very well worth it, but is going to be met with opposition.
I suspect if you wrote about atomic design[1] for example you would get similar comments.
Also here[2] is an example of a design system to better understand how to extrapolate the "brand color" example.
I suspect if you wrote about atomic design[1] for example you would get similar comments.
Also here[2] is an example of a design system to better understand how to extrapolate the "brand color" example.
[1] https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/chapter-1/ [2] https://atlassian.design/components/tokens/all-tokens