someone else made a similar comment already, and I just don't understand why you default to 27% liking it. Of those responding, less than half said that AI was even a consideration in their new phone purchase. So we already see more people do not care about AI from the off. Of those reporting using the feature, it says 73% state they don't care about it after using. That does not mean the other 27% said they did like it. It is not a binary option of Yes/No. The numbers are just not there in TFA, and you're jumping to conclusions
I didn't imply a yes/no; based on TFA, I assume that they used a 5-point scale, with the middle option being phrased something like "somewhat valuable", and there being two more positive ones. TFA is critically lacking in both the survey details and what other features got on similar surveys.
This is the point. There's not enough information to make any kind of claims by subtracting available numbers from 100 and concluding anything with the remainder.