Steampipe project lead here - thanks for the shout out & feedback multani!
I agree with your comment about JSON columns being more difficult to work with at times. On balance, we've found that approach more robust than creating new columns (names and formats) that effectively become Steampipe specific.
Our built-in SQL client is convenient, but it can definitely be better to run Steampipe in service mode and use any Postgres compatible SQL client you prefer [1].
You might also enjoy our open source mods for compliance scanning [2] and visualizing clusters [3]. They are Powerpipe [4] dashboards as code written in HCL + SQL that query Steampipe.
I agree with your comment about JSON columns being more difficult to work with at times. On balance, we've found that approach more robust than creating new columns (names and formats) that effectively become Steampipe specific.
Our built-in SQL client is convenient, but it can definitely be better to run Steampipe in service mode and use any Postgres compatible SQL client you prefer [1].
You might also enjoy our open source mods for compliance scanning [2] and visualizing clusters [3]. They are Powerpipe [4] dashboards as code written in HCL + SQL that query Steampipe.
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