> In this example, we want to allow the user to drop a PNG image into our Bevy app running in the Browser. The app should load the image into the Bevy Asset machinery and display it like any other image file. See the animation to the right visualizing this.
That's not what use case means. I am curious, what is the use case for this? Is it just a proof of concept?
Bevy is a game engine, but you could also use it as a UI system (for a game or other type of application).
Imagine a game where you can customize your racing car decals and it allows you to drag in images, online game that allows uploading avatars etc. This also allows for completely new and experimental types of game designs. Or someone just wants to create a traditional image editor..
This is probably not the most important feature for a game engine, but again it is also not completely academic.
> In this example, we want to allow the user to drop a PNG image into our Bevy app running in the Browser. The app should load the image into the Bevy Asset machinery and display it like any other image file. See the animation to the right visualizing this.
That's not what use case means. I am curious, what is the use case for this? Is it just a proof of concept?