When cholera spread around the world, we did not pretend it was 1830 again, we started cleaning the water we drunk or we died. When AIDS spread around the world, we did not to back to boinking like we were flight attendants in the 1970s, we had to practice safer sex and be more careful about our partners for a long time or we died (these days there is PrEP). A friend lost a vaccinated parent to COVID in 2022, and has a vaccinated aunt in a wheelchair because of COVID complications.
Indeed, 2022 started with unquestionably the most substantial spread of COVID throughout the pandemic, both in terms of wastewater levels and tracked cases. It is clear that early 2022 was a time of very substantial risk. Rates of COVID both in wastewater levels and reported infection rates were the highest of any time in the pandemic.
However, years later in late 2024, measured wastewater levels and serious illness risks appear statistically to be at their lowest of any point over the course of the COVID pandemic.
The linked article states that "we are in freefall" and contains a lot of florid language to imply that we are all at risk of serious disease. We are not. The rate of COVID-related illness is drastically and radically lower at this specific point in time than nearly any other since before the pandemic, and it's rational for people to react as such.
Personally, I'm boosted (so many times I've run out of space on my card), and I've got boxes of N95s, and in the event of any reportable uptick, I have no hesitation in going back to full protection. My loved ones feel the same way. But we are currently in no way at the same level of risk we were just a couple of years earlier.
We will all have to live with COVID in the same way we all live with the flu, pneumonia, cholera and any number of diseases. (The cholera pandemic is, according to the WHO, still ongoing!) We all risk illness and death every single day regardless of COVID; in the area I live, the risk of dying or experiencing serious injury in a car accident is currently greater than the risks of contracting COVID.
It doesn't help us in any way to continue to live in fear after the worst has passed. I don't disagree with a message to stay vigilant, but to say that the sky is falling when it is not is absurd.
When other diceases became endemic though, we went back to normal. Especially since we have already had been over-extending and taking useless procautions and cultivated an unscientific hysteria during their pandemic phase.
That doesn't mean nobody will ever die from it anymore. People die from pnemonia and even common cold too, everyday even.
so when a small group of people conspires to cook up a virus in a lab for power and profit, the answer is to put on a mask? by your logic, it sounds like you think we should stop these people. no one in this country or on this planet has the spine for that though. so i guess ill just put on the mask.
interesting that the claim that surgical masks work links to a substack from 2022 and contradicts what fauci said about masks during the beginning of the pandemic.
i was on the fence during the pandemic, but after i saw myself censored for saying covid came from a lab, the jig was up for these fraudsters. people that push the covid narrative are a special kind of evil.