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Lens isn't all that great so I'm sure it must be better.

Lens shows me repeats of log lines when I'm trying to scroll down in a live log. It has checkboxes but no means to operate on checked boxes. If I have my Secret set to show b64 decoded, and paste in a new secret that is very clearly non b64 encoded, it tries to push it as-is and fails quietly. It shows things as Healthy whose only sub resources are not healthy, but that's par for the course in Kubernetes land. I also have to fully quit it (not just close the window) on my new MacBook whenever I make the mistake of looking at it after a gcloud auth timeout, even when simply running fresh kubectl commands in the background every time would outperform the garbage Electron tab changes.

Plus, this new thing has resource diffs, which I was surprised Lens didn't have. Frankly I was surprised how little Lens has once I started actually using it and figured there'd be easy money in building the community's new favorite editor. But I'm glad to have seen this post, here's hoping it becomes the new standard.

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