After reading Yuval Noah Harari’s book ‘Sapiens’, it made me realize how little humans have changed, even as we approach creating AGI. We still form tribes, vilifying anyone who doesn’t conform to our rules. A dissenting opinion is strictly forbidden.
Elon Musk, on the verge of running two trillion-dollar companies (Tesla and soon in the future SpaceX; xAI might become one also), is single handily driving humans to become interstellar species. Yet, because he doesn’t align with certain ideologies like transgender issues or immigration, he’s labeled a fascist and his achievements dismissed.
Despite searching, I find no evidence of legal or moral wrongdoing on his part—just bureaucrats finding ways to stand in the way, like the Delaware judge repeatedly undermining shareholder-approved decisions on his pay package. Musk may be arrogant, childish, or linked to the manosphere, but his contributions far outweigh his flaws. It’s not even close.
Your "interstellar species" should be "interplanetary species" as we have no way to get people to another star.
We totally lack the ability to make an independent biosphere, and without that the term "interplanetary" is rather meaningless.
The Trieste bathyscaphe made it to the bottom of the ocean but we do not have underwater colonies, nor seasteading.
Even our colonies on Antarctica are highly subsidized national prestige projects.
If "multiplanetary" is something like "can get to another planet and back" then the Manned Venus flyby proposal shows we could have done that with 1970s technology.
But there's a reason no one visited the Challenger Deep in the 52 years between Trieste and the Deepsea Challenge - remote exploration is cheaper and safer. We haven't even gotten someone out to the Moon's orbit since 1973.
Elon Musk, on the verge of running two trillion-dollar companies (Tesla and soon in the future SpaceX; xAI might become one also), is single handily driving humans to become interstellar species. Yet, because he doesn’t align with certain ideologies like transgender issues or immigration, he’s labeled a fascist and his achievements dismissed.
Despite searching, I find no evidence of legal or moral wrongdoing on his part—just bureaucrats finding ways to stand in the way, like the Delaware judge repeatedly undermining shareholder-approved decisions on his pay package. Musk may be arrogant, childish, or linked to the manosphere, but his contributions far outweigh his flaws. It’s not even close.