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each time you use your computing device to make a comment on the internet, you're emitting CO2 and accelerating climate change.

Do you understand that degree matters? Or do you think that pissing once in a river is as harmful as dumping a thousand litres of toxic waste in it?


I could live hundreds of lifetimes and not consume as much energy as Google has this year alone.


What a weird take. How is google using that much energy? Is it just for their own operations or are they providing a good or service that billions are consuming?

By using a computer you are a consumer and are complicit. Your overall contribution might be small but it’s the same exact behavior that is absolutely part of the climate change problem.

You have zero knowledge of my consumption or my life. You also know nothing about my environmental care or actions. You’re extrapolating from my use of a computer to post comments to assume my use of energy is a net negative, which is as bad faith as it is wrong. It is possible to live in such a way that you reduce your impact to a minimum in some areas and then do a net positive in other.

Additionally, the number of people who consume Google’s services is irrelevant. Millions of people consume tobacco products too, it doesn’t make it positive.

stop posting, bro - you're literally killing the planet. turn off your device and send it away to be recycled, so someone else's descendants 100 years from now will have a few extra grams of copper. dig a hole somewhere in the wilderness and live out the rest of your life consuming nothing but grass and rainwater for sustenance. also try to breathe in moderation - you exhale CO2 every time, bringing the doomsday a bit closer, inch by inch.

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