I have difficulty picking Rust again for semi-different reasons than yours: it simply has a huge surface, not only the core language but also the libraries; the amount of those you really must know to be able to call yourself a commercial Rust programmer seems to grow with time. (You mentioned this last point, hence the "semi-different reasons" expression.)
I know Rust quite fine as a language but put me in a commercial project and I'll definitely need a few weeks to learn what should be used for i.e. error handling, logging, OpenTelemetry, and such.
That's odd! Finding libraries (crates) has been the easy part for me. You usually get the answer directly from crates.io. Even in cases where there are multiple alternatives, it's easy to choose one based on the statistics available on crates.io. And in the rare case where you still can't decide, a web search reveals the frontrunner with detailed articles on why.
Oh, I'm not saying it's difficult. I'm saying that at one point it becomes too much. And if I don't actively work with Rust I end up forgetting and having to relearn in the future.
How is it different from the situation in other languages? Especially the ones like C and C++ that don't have a canonical source registry either? (Not a rhetorical question)
Normally yes but f.ex. my favorite Elixir has a community that very strongly prefers and orbits around singular solutions of thorny problems. You will not find many ORMs / DataMappers in that ecosystem, it's one that has been super hard worked on and nearly everyone accepts it and loves it and contributes to it when the need arises.
Meanwhile in many other languages, Golang and Rust included, there are many ways to do the same thing. That introduces difficulty to keep well up to date.
But I can easily agree this point gets very weakened after you have worked with the language for a certain amount of time and on.
I know Rust quite fine as a language but put me in a commercial project and I'll definitely need a few weeks to learn what should be used for i.e. error handling, logging, OpenTelemetry, and such.