Given the recent advances in vector-based semantic search, what's the SOTA search stack that people are using for hybrid keyword + semantic search these days?
A generic search strategy is so different from something you want to target. The task should probably determine the tool.
So I don't know the answer, but I was recently handed about 3 million surveys with 10 free-form writing fields each, and tasked with surfacing the ones that might require action on the part of the company. I chose to use a couple of different small classifier models, manually strip out some common words based on obvious noise in the first 10k results, and then weight the model responses. It turned out to be almost flawless. I would NOT call this sort of thing "programming", it's more just tweaking the black-box output of various different tools until you have a set of results that looks good for your test cases. (And your client ;)
All stitching together small Hugging Face models running on a tiny server in nodejs, btw.
Most of the commercial and open source offerings for hybrid search seem to be using BM25 + vector similarity search based on embeddings. The results are combined using Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF).
I had actually implemented full text search + vector search using RRF but I kept it disabled by default because it wasn't meaningfully improving my results. This seems like a good hypothesis as to why.
My opinion is people need to not focus on one stack. But be prepared to use tools best for each job. Elasticsearch for BM25 type things. Turbopuffer for simple and fast vector retrieval. Even redis to precompute results for certain queries. Or certain extremely dynamic attributes that change frequently like price. Combine all these in a scatter/gather approach.
I say that because almost always you have a layer outside the search stack(s) that ideally can just be a straightforward inference service for reranking that looks most like other ML infra.
You also almost always route queries to different backends based on an understanding of the users query. Routing “lookup by ID” to a different system than “fuzzy semantic search”. These are very different data structures. And search almost always covers very broad/different use cases.
I think it’s an anti pattern to just push all work to one system. Each system is ideal for different workloads. And their inference capabilities won’t ever keep pace with the general ML tooling that your ML engineers are used to. (I tried with Elasticsearch Learning to Rank and its a hopeless task.)
(That said, Vespa is probably the best 'single stack' that tries to solve a broad range of use-cases.)
Author of txtai [1] here. txtai implements a performant BM25 index in Python [2] via the arrays package and storing the term frequency vectors in SQLite.
With txtai, the hybrid index approach [3] supports both convex combination when BM25 scores are normalized and reciprocal rank fusion (RRF) when they aren't [4].
In the Langroid[1] LLM library we have a clean, extensible RAG implementation in the DocChatAgent[2] -- it uses several retrieval techniques, including lexical (bm25, fuzzy search) and semantic (embeddings), and re-ranking (using cross-encoder, reciprocal-rank-fusion) and also re-ranking for diversity and lost-in-the-middle mitigation:
We're doing something like BM25 with a semantic ontology enhanced query (naive example: search for truck hits on Ford F-150, even if truck never appears in the doc) then vector based reranking. In testing, we always get the best result in the top 3.