> People are so desperate to attack the credibility of RFK, to defend the status quo but have nothing to say about the govt institutions that in recent decades, have overseen an utterly, catastrophic failure in their duties.
Perhaps he should then focus on the pertinent issues of improving institutions and forget about things that are the medical equivalent of Flat Earth theory.
Appointing a Flat Earther to NASA, or a Young Earther to the US Geological Survey, would be roughly equivalent to what is happening with RFK.
> The CDC estimates that six in ten adults in the United States currently live with a chronic disease such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes.
For the latter two: perhaps they should eat less garbage (food is relatively cheap in the US (which can be a good thing), but it makes it easier to overdue it) and exercise more (which is harder to do when you have to drive everywhere).
For the first: maybe the US should get a health (insurance) system that isn't so crazy, so less-preventable diseases (like cancer) aren't so traumatic, cost-wise. Of course the GOP has tried to get rid of the largest improvement (the ACA/Obamacare) in decades.
I dunno....I am happy to give him a go. If 60% of NASA rockets were blowing up on launch for decades, arguing for continuing the status quo is not rational. People are tired of "respectable mediocrity" where leaders make all the right speeches, express all the right concerns but nothing changes, nothing improves, ever.
We need an outsider to come in and shake things up. Even if RFK crashes and burns he will still at least have reset the agenda on health in a way not seen for a very long time. And its impossible for anyone (even a trained chimpanzee) to do worse than the current leadership in this area.
Perhaps he should then focus on the pertinent issues of improving institutions and forget about things that are the medical equivalent of Flat Earth theory.
Appointing a Flat Earther to NASA, or a Young Earther to the US Geological Survey, would be roughly equivalent to what is happening with RFK.
> 60% of adults in the US now have chronic disease (60% percent!!!!!) https://www.statista.com/topics/8951/chronic-disease-prevent...
Yeah, first sentence in your link:
> The CDC estimates that six in ten adults in the United States currently live with a chronic disease such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes.
For the latter two: perhaps they should eat less garbage (food is relatively cheap in the US (which can be a good thing), but it makes it easier to overdue it) and exercise more (which is harder to do when you have to drive everywhere).
For the first: maybe the US should get a health (insurance) system that isn't so crazy, so less-preventable diseases (like cancer) aren't so traumatic, cost-wise. Of course the GOP has tried to get rid of the largest improvement (the ACA/Obamacare) in decades.