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Is there somewhere we can download and play the game ourselves? This looks like loads of fun!

I'm afraid not because it would only run on the device so you'd need to make one using a raspberry pi pico and the exact same display (Pimoroni display pack) as it leverages its graphics library to draw text and shapes. So far, the only way I've been sharing this was by handing out devices as gifts with the game preloaded.

I recently started another version which runs on desktop using python/PyGame which I could package up and share and has very similar mechanics except it's faster-paced and intended to look and feel like a sensory-overload arcade game (sounds, lights, music, flashes, announcer voice etc). It's also a 2-player 'versus' game which can be played locally. The intent behind this was to build an arcade station around it, but it can be played on the computer directly using a keyboard.

It looks like this [1] but it's not yet in a playable state and would be hard to pick up as is. I'll continue working on it and then post a link to the github.


Mate I’m totally ready to buy and fab and 3d print all the necessary bits to replicate this exactly as-is.

Can you post on this thread when you’ve posted the github link, and/or link to your github already so I can star and watch?

Hey, yes I can do that. I will brush this up, package all the bits (3d files, pcb files, code etc), and add to github.

On another note, would you happen to live in London? If you really want to try this I could hand you one which will save you plenty of time finding the parts, printing the case, ordering PCBs, and soldering. You can reach me on first_name dot last_name hat gmail dot come. The name is at the top of the original post.

Hey, I live in London and would love to chat / tinker with this if you're open to it =)...

I built a full econsim for fun a while back with working markets based on order books and would absolutely love to chat to you if you're interested?

Hey of course, happy to meet and exchange about our fun projects. You can send me an email using the address in the above comment and we'll setup something!

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