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> The more logic happens near the db, the more surface for errors and edge cases can be reduced and reliability issues avoided. The reduction in distances may also result in improved abstractions and in making the computations efficient in a fundamental thermodynamic way.

Fundamentally this sounds great, but isn't this rather painful with Postgres?

In my DB lectures in Uni I've been informally told to avoid managing logic from within Postgres, as the development and debugging experience for stored procedures is rather poor. I would add to this the painfully slow development cycles for third party language implementations such as plv8. In addition, platform support is next to none, because language extensions cannot load external code due to the trusted nature of the execution environment.

Yep. He's got half of the right idea - move the code to the data, process it where it is - but tied to the most awful way of storing the data. The right way is what today's stream-processing frameworks tend to do - the heavyweight global coordination piece is used only for the part that actually needs to be coordinated (temporal ordering, and only the partial form that's required), the bulk data mostly lives in a leveldb or similar embedded into the application, which can process it directly where it is.

It says near the db, not necessarily in it.

The way I understand it, the closer the better for the reasons stated, but that's just a factor and there are others that might make you not want to stay too close for certain logic.

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