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In Ireland, there isn't so much corruption. I won't say there's never any whatsoever, obviously, but there isn't anywhere near as much as people are describing here. I suppose it puts in perspective how lucky I should feel.

I think you should put things in perspective. Ireland is not the least corrupt country in the world, but definitely on the right end of the list. Only Scandinavia, Germany, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is less corrupt. The rest of western Europe as well as the US, Chile, Uruguay and surprisingly Botswana is at about the same level, while every other country is more corrupt.

No country is totally free of corruption. It would be no problem to find cases in Swedish media as well. That you find corruption cases in the media is a good sign, because it indicates society does not accept it.

Corruption is not in any way crippling Irish economy like it does many other places.

(Source: http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2011/results/ )

The table of countries makes interesting reading...

Am I wrong to find it fishy that Julian Assange wants to hide in Ecuador (rank #120, score 2.7) rather than face a trial in Sweden (rank #4, score 9.3)

>In Ireland, there isn't so much corruption.

Really? How hard are you looking?

If there was anywhere near as much as is being discussed regarding some other countries, a cursory glance would suffice. Did you miss the bit where I said 'I won't say there's never any whatsoever, obviously'?

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