Hello. Do you set goals? If so how do you go about doing it, I'm talking about things like...
- certain categories (finances, relationships, etc.)?
- do you limit the goals and/or prioritize them?
- do you use a SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time related)?
- do you set a plan for each goal?
- how do you keep focus, avoid distractions, and keep attacking the goal?
- do you write them done or do you use certain software?
- does setting or not setting goals helped you?
- what has worked the best for you?
I break them up into categories: things, learning and financial.
I start off with ridiculous goals, things that seem unachievable, at the 20 year milestone and bring them closer to reality as the time interval shortens.
I write them down and display them in my home office where I can view them in plain sight each day. I have been incredibly fortunate in achieving almost everything I've written down at the 1 year interval for 3 years running.
I refine these goals every so often which helps me realign the mental image that I have of myself. I think if you can imagine it vividly and remind yourself of this image then you'll naturally move toward becoming it.