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You seem to be saying that people presenting with classic symptoms of ADHD clearly don’t have it because stimulant abuse can also cause those symptoms?

Sure, people get misdiagnosed or purposely lie to get meds, but tons of people legitimately have the condition. Insomnia, poor basic self care, and fatigue (hello insomnia among others) are 100% symptoms of the condition. Taking medication doesn’t “fix” ADHD, it helps some people cope better in some ways.

I'm speaking only to the high rate of over-prescription and misdiagnosis (this is a fact), and how it's very likely that more than a few people are finding their lives more difficult with medication. The potential for spiraling out is certainly there with amphetamines, and it can sneak up on you, especially when basic physiological needs are no longer being met. Having known these people for a good while, I think they fell squarely into this category.

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