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Israeli army's new YouTube strategy may have backfired (bbc.co.uk)
24 points by ksvs on Jan 3, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

In my opinion, there should be a little live webcasting camera in every bullet and missile. When everybody can view every single bullet hitting every single victim in slow motion, I believe there will be greater distaste for war.

It would be quite a task to load balance the video database though.

Need a new hosting solution though, youtube is not playing fair:


As discussed here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=414225

Lets hope it takes off - pun intended.

This isn't about politics or any kind of /(pro|anti)(israel|semitism)/. It's about technology, PR, and how the new media is disruptive to governments and society.

It absolutely belongs on HN.

While I don't agree with qqq, this has turned in to a witch hunt. Come on guys, he has a history of posting good stuff. Down modding everything he writes in to oblivion isn't going to help.

PG's right though...politics bring out the worst in everyone.

yeah, the secondary explosions in the video look exectly like an innocent track of Happy Birthday helium balloons

No politics. No anti-semitism. Go away. Flagged.

Following the sentence "no politics" with one equating criticism of Israel with anti-semitism is a bit hypocritical. It does show why stories that intersect with politics are dangerous though; the topic seems to bring out the most irrational in people.

Not as hypocritical as following this submission up with whining about "no politics".


If you want to stalk me, please also enjoy my blog. You can even find some political posts there!


I would have bet good money that this story would turn into a flame fest, you could see it coming from a mile away.

It's a shame because the article is really interesting and the discussions on HN are normally even better.

I think it's important that he knows reasonable people consider that article anti-semitic. If you saw a post you considered anti-semitic, would you want to quietly omit that?

I did not "equate criticism of Israel with anti-semitism". That is not my reasoning. That is a political interpretation that you have made.

"I think it's important that he knows reasonable people consider that article anti-semitic."

I don't think anyone who is reading this places you in the category of reasonable people. For some reason you think it's okay to throw out accusations without justification. That is unreasonable.

The article is hacker news because it shows an example of waging a PR campaign via YouTube.

disagreement = irrationality?

clearly he said hypocritical == irrational

hypocritical == irrational Yes, my mistake. Thank you.

clearly Not so sure about that.

He didn't say that criticism of Israel is anti-semitism. He just said 'No Politics. No anti-semitism.' I agree with him that HN should have no politics and no anti semitism or any racism for that matter. Don't you?


You assert 'no politics' and also imply that anti-semitism is a type of racism. Some people think anti-semitism is different; that's a political issue. Therefore, according to pg, you are a hypocrite. And also irrational, if ivankirigin's interpretation is correct.

Welcome to the club :)

BBC is not anti semite (though it is anti Israeli, according to its own report: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Balen_Report)

Anyway, I second "no politics" and flagging this. Take it to Reddit.

how come any time anyone criticizes Israel, people instantly label them Nazis who want to throw jews into ovens?

And wtf really...the source is BBC, not some Hitler loving blog

What makes you think that "criticizing Israel" is what I was commenting on?

Well what else is there? Or is there some subliminal message in the article to kill jews?

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