The ring has a very minimal interface. Apart from the sensors - an accelerometer to count steps and two LEDs with photodiode to get heart rate and blood oxygen - there is one status LED on the inside to indicating charging. That's it. The ring is a pure data collection device that basically can't be interacted with without the app.
Maybe they could have required you to hit the ring on a surface to initiate pairing mode. But as it stands the ring will pair with any device that asks for it.
I'm looking forward to someone making a custom firmware for these rings. There is some work in the linked ATC_RF03 project, but I'm not sure if anyone is still working on it
I started looking at this last night [1] since there's an open SDK available (called SDK3) [2] but it seems like keil is involved in compiling it and I'm out of my depth when it comes to embedded stuff at the moment
Maybe they could have required you to hit the ring on a surface to initiate pairing mode. But as it stands the ring will pair with any device that asks for it.
I'm looking forward to someone making a custom firmware for these rings. There is some work in the linked ATC_RF03 project, but I'm not sure if anyone is still working on it