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> Essentially these are people who don't actually want to work and would be just as happy or happier on UBI.

As one of “these people”, I enjoy my job, but I can recognize the fact that it’s just a job. I’m amazed that you would classify people that don’t center their whole life around their job as people that would be just as happy without a job.

I have a lot of other hobbies. I definitely would not be happier if you just took one of them away and gave me money instead.

> I enjoy my job, but I can recognize the fact that it’s just a job.

There's an old saying that "you become what you do". It's fine if your employment is "just a job" for you and you have hobbies you prefer.

But don't be amazed that there are people who define themselves by their careers as much as others define themselves by their hobbies. That's who you're competing with.

Competing very effectively in many cases.

I personally have not seen that workaholic employees get consistent preference in workplaces. Often they get shafted the hardest, particularly in highly competitive workplaces (where, for example, supervisors may undermine their best employees who might threaten their own ambitions).

And the hardest workers are also prone to burnout, which often leads to catastrophic career failures: quitting suddenly with no backup plan, changing careers, having a breakdown and ending up nonfunctional for months at a time.

I have worked in a variety of workplaces, some that were circling the toilet, some that were leading their industries and nonetheless still shooting higher, and some that thought/hoped they were the latter but just didn't have what it takes.

The most consistently successful companies I've worked for have their employees work like tortoises, not hares. They want us to work hard, but sustainably. They discourage all that hypercompetitive nonsense that rewards backstabbers over hard workers, and they encourage us to have a life outside of work to keep us sane. They do this not out of the kindness of their hearts, but because they are insatiably greedy and focused: they want our next 20+ years of productivity and experience.

> I personally have not seen

At this point we're all just speculating wildly from subjective biased anecdotes.

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