My girlfriend works at a little coffee shop called "It's a Grind". Recently a Starbucks moved in right across the street. The owner, John, tacked a letter up on the wall. I thought it was so great and inspiring that I took a picture and decided to share it. Here it is:
From: John
We have had a lot of questions from customers and friends about Starbucks going in across the street. Here are some things you might share with customers, assuming that you agree with them:
1) Starbucks WILL be competition. Will Starbucks get some of our business? -yes. Will we get some of their business? -YES. Our drinks taste better than theirs, our store is nicer and more comfortable and our staff is more friendly. I get a lot of positive comments about our staff-it's doubtful that Starbucks does. These things will keep us competitive in spite of Starbucks brand recognition. An important thing to remember is that many people relate to locally owned businesses. Large international companies like Starbucks have the bottom line (stock price) first in mind and a lot of people don't relate to that.
2) We are doing well with speed of service at the drive-thru. This is important because Starbucks is good at that. We need to make sure we keep it up and maybe get a little better.
3) Our regulars will stay with us-we have a great core of regular customers that know us and this is important. Our core of customers will grow as the area grows.
4) Food-this will be key in differentiating us from Starbucks. We are in the process of getting our menu set up. This will be in place before the end of the month.
5) Every business that I've ever been involved with is competitive-that's the way life is. People who put their tails between their legs and pout never succeed. People with positive attitudes that stay focused almost always succeed.
6) We will not only succeed but we will be thriving 2 years from now. That's because we have a great crew, a superior product and competitive prices. If somebody comes in whining-"You can't compete with Starbucks"-that's baloney and they have a loser attitude. Keep your chin up and don't be afraid of competition!
One reason this is so great is because John is in his mid-50's. Even at that age, he still has a startup mentality.
Another thing I like is he's rolling out new tactics and trying new things.
Don't be afraid of the competition guys! Get things out there and make them work.
Wow! Even at that age? I'm surprised he's even still alive!
Seriously, this is a weird bit of bigotry. I'm mostly surprised when I see the start-up mentality in anybody; it's rare in all age groups, not just the AARP-ready.