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That’s fair, it’s definitely not as clear cut as some make it.

Anecdotally my team juggles all this well - we are relatively shielded from the rest of the business as our own unit.

Within our team or 15, we have introverts, extroverts - and some work from home alot (me etc) and others come into the office.

But no one in the team, not even the leaders think the RTO is the right call.

I’m lucky our team leads are intelligent to form their own opinions, and they are happy with having it both ways - it works for us

> I’m lucky our team leads are intelligent to form their own opinions, and they are happy with having it both ways - it works for us

Absolutely wild that you seem to have been downvoted for essentially just saying that you like working with people who thrive because you give them agency and that nobody's happy about being treated like children.

Doing the opposite—micromanaging people—is how you create distrust and poison your productivity.

When I got my first corporate dev job, everyone thought it was weird that I kept desperately looking for my own quiet space to perform the work I needed to do, instead of just sitting in the cube where my shitty assigned computer was. I'd go out into the lobby, or the cafeteria, or an empty room, and be able to get in the right headspace for hours long focus. I ended up burning out at that job, because I'd constantly be interrupted and underwater trying to get things done. People should have the options available to find an optimal path toward meeting their expectations.

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