They really are hard to work with compared to languages where you declare which exceptions you'll throw,. I always get angry when pylint raises an error for catching over-broad exceptions[0]
Of course I'm catching broad exceptions because I have no idea what kind of exception is going to be thrown 12 dependencies deep and I don't want it to completely crash the program instead of letting me retry or do something else.
Yup this drives me crazy. I've been bitten by urllib3 or SSL exceptions being bubbled up by random libraries so many times that now I always include an except Exception: block just in case.
100% agree. Most of my bare except: are followed by import pdb;pdb.set_trace() so I can figure out what went wrong and then fix my code so that it never happens again, but I still leave it there because I I don't have time to consider the millions of ways my hastily thrown-together python script is going to fail nor do I want to game out how many different errors could happen. If Python would have been this hard to use 20 years ago, I wouldn't have been able to learn to program.
Of course I'm catching broad exceptions because I have no idea what kind of exception is going to be thrown 12 dependencies deep and I don't want it to completely crash the program instead of letting me retry or do something else.