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I highly recommend you watch the first half hour of DHH Rails World talk on Rails 8 even if you aren’t a Ruby dev: https://youtu.be/-cEn_83zRFw?si=ANVPRory_J0LKjZj

The idea of Rails 8 is to move away from trend following and try to reject some of the ideas that have become popular in the industry (like being afraid to touch a Linux server or implementing your own auth). Really though provoking stuff.

Popular ideas are exactly the problem in the industry. I’ve been really put off by what I believe is a lack of critical and original thinking in tech. Bad leadership within management, cult and fad following seems to abound.

There’s a real feeling of the blind leading the blind in webdev.

htmx, Rails, and Laravel all point to better ways, and people are starting to be receptive.

I agree. Our industry is perhaps the most cargo-culty industry that I've ever worked in. And the sad part is, unfortunately everybody thinks that they are the paragon of original clear thinking.

I second this. I’m not a ruby dev and I watched the whole talk. It was excellent.

Goes on to show how for many applications overly priced platforms as a service aren’t really needed but incidental complexity masquerading as essential complexity is peddled as a way to make money.

This is part of the reason why I love the Rails community so much. It isn't afraid to break down the consensus and find its own path forward. Often with huge benefits.

Where is the best place to interact with the Rails community?

Attend a local meetup/camp. The focus on developer happiness usually translates into very welcoming, friendly local dev communities.

Oh cool, I’ll have to see if there are any near me. Definitely interested in online options too, if anybody has suggestions. And not just for Rails but Ruby in general would be nice too.

>try to reject some of the ideas that have become popular in the industry

just my two cents, the web development has become akin to the fashion industry.

We've seen a steady stream of frameworks emerge, from traditional PHP and JavaScript to JavaScript-based development like ReactJS, AngularJS, and now WebAssembly while tried-and-true methods still work.

all the new frameworks bring benefits – but also introduce problems a few years later. The trends drive the IT industry, fueling a cycle of book sales, training camps, and consulting services that corporations buy into every few years.

cant wait when we'll start making webdev in C CGI and finally in Verilog.

> JavaScript-based development like ReactJS, AngularJS

React is 11 years old, AngularJS is 14 years ago, let it go already, gramps.

Your average SPA UX is still broken pretty badly for tech that had over a decade to stabilize.

It's DHH marketing style (it sez right there in his earlier book: pick a fight).

Back when Rails burst into the scene, he picked the EJB mountain to battle and positioned Rails vs EJB for as long as he could.

This is another battle in the Infrastructure world that he picked.

The timing was perfect too: Rails grew during economy crisis 2006-2009 (layoff, EJB complexity, web-app complexity, the rise of single-developer entrepreneur). Right now we're sort of in similar situation too: layoffs, infrastructure complexity, BigTech culture, FAANG-leetcode grind.

Tech is like a cycle :)

>>It's DHH marketing style (it sez right there in his earlier book: pick a fight).

I think rappers invented starting a beef to shift records.

Is there any documentation available for ActiveRecord Search / SolidSearch yet? https://youtu.be/-cEn_83zRFw?si=aqaEX3S72svt2Fax&t=3813 this might allow me to drop OpenSearch.

Also, how is he able to use private fields in the js example? Is he using any polyfilling?

His compagny seems to like re-inventing the wheel with vastly inferior solutions though.

I don't know about Rails but Kamal 2 is pretty great.

It's their own E2E solution for deploying and running Docker apps in production. Solves SSL, proxy, zero downtime deploys, etc.



Kamal, Thruster, removing TypeScript from Rails without notice, moving into Webpack and back out again without a reasonable upgrade path, pushing Hotwire over real frontends.

Does „removing TypeScript from Rails without notice“ refer to the conversion of Turbo from TS to JS from a year ago?

They changed the implementation of an optional library. The interface of the library didn‘t change at all. Only how it was implemented.

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