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> They won’t touch American housing problems with a 10ft pole.

Why do you keep insisting on the USA? It’s not the only country in the world.

> Go to Berkeley

I will not. I’m not American.

> It’s a hard pill to swallow but the best thing billionaires can do is let us tax them

Maybe it’s a hard pill to swallow for the billionaire, but I personally agree and think you’re right. However, this conversation started with someone asking “what do you do with a a lot of money past a point” and offering only a private space agency as an alternative to working on AGI. My point was there are many other problems worth pursuing.

My point was every other problem would be made worse by a billionaire pushing his/her money in there. Everyone is a couple of billions of money funneled away from becoming the next George Soros.

If you don’t think NIMBYism and degrowth is a problem in your country yet, just give it a couple of years. It just hit England, you’re next. No billionaire can save you.

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