If you've had a major outage or security breach, small claims court will probably not help you much against someone who may not even be in your country or be incorporated.
>but you need some sort of warranty, then either find an entity willing to provide that for this specific piece of software, chose another project, or fork it and provide your own warranty yourself.
Totally agree with this though. As someone who worked for a commercial open source vendor for a number of years, if you're dependent on Linux, Kubernetes, etc. for your business you should have a commercial subscription.
>or fork it and provide your own warranty yourself.
Realizing you're now on the hook to do your own development/support ad infinitum which is usually a bad idea.
>but you need some sort of warranty, then either find an entity willing to provide that for this specific piece of software, chose another project, or fork it and provide your own warranty yourself.
Totally agree with this though. As someone who worked for a commercial open source vendor for a number of years, if you're dependent on Linux, Kubernetes, etc. for your business you should have a commercial subscription.
>or fork it and provide your own warranty yourself.
Realizing you're now on the hook to do your own development/support ad infinitum which is usually a bad idea.