My worst fear is if Microsoft decides to fiddle with Hotmail/outlook and make it into something I have to pay for. I've had my email address for 15+ years, it's going to be a impossible task to change email address everywhere.
I mean…do you plan on outlasting Hotmail? 15 years isn’t that long. Your choices are probably to do it proactively or to do it when your back is against the wall. There is no third option. I’m not going to be like one of those insane nerds advocating for running your own mail server, but if you care about email address longevity, mail at one’s own domain seems the only way to actually achieve that. These days, it’s zero effort to use Fastmail or Hey or something to get email at your own domain. They register it for you and everything! The hard bit is, as you say, moving everything. But, again, that’s inevitable.
Yeah, that's why I always tell people to buy a domain for email, so they can move it where they want at any time. Hopefully, it becomes more and more standard with email providers. But when you have a long history, the best you can do is setup a redirection and change email address at the few places where it is really important (bank, google/microsoft/apple account, ...).