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Let me recommend my favourite TikTok/YouTube channel of late, The Forest Jar

what annoys you?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9Le1ibX2zY

> if you went to a group of investors and pitched a board game where the winners get space ships and the losers die, they'd call you crazy. But if you suggested to those same investors that perhaps we shouldn't organize our entire society that way, they'd call you crazy.

"where the winners get space ships and the losers die,"

The Social Security budget is $1.4 Trillion, just the federal welfare budget is >$1Trillion (not including state budgets), and then there's medicare. Meanwhile, the NASA budget is <$25B (with SpaceX's operating budget and profits being a fraction of that)

I wish we lived in that simple of a world. But we don't.

this is a complete non-sequitur. the US social security budget does not go to one person or a small group of oligarchs

“the winners get space ships and the losers die, they'd call you crazy”

Was the original quote. I just showed that you could get rid of all rockets ever made and it would be a rounding error for any funds used to save the “losers” from dying.

How is that a non-sequitur?

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