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I’m sorry, what? The best computer scientists I know, Djikstra, Tony Hoare, Turing, Knuth, and more, all developed practical algorithms and concepts that are still used today! Like the parent commenter said, it’s really not difficult to provide code that works and supports your conclusion. I’ve also read computer science papers that bury the lede. It’s apparent when you try to replicate them that the author was disappointed that the work didn’t support their hypothesis, so they made it look good. It’s sad because a true scientific pursuit finds the knowledge valuable whether it works or not! They just need to state it instead of hide that fact.

Your whole comment reads as some sort of weird gate-keeping where people without the “proper” education could never fully understand a “true” paper. We can, and we do. There’s a reason we learn from truly great computer scientists like I listed above in college, and not the people posting unreproducible work.

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