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Man, so many of Californias problems is just:

“vocal minority is very loud, everyone else disagrees but are too busy to come yell at electeds, so we can’t fix this obvious problem. Done. Problem festers”

I'm in Minnesota, I'm just assuming California has the same problems. The issue is pretty nationalized.

Some of it is students having a genuinely disturbing attachment to phones specifically, like a sense of anxiety when the phone is gone. There's also parents who get really freaked out about school shootings and are anxious that they won't be able to be in contact with their children. I guess it's kind of similar. Anxiety does not bring out the best in people. (And I note the page specifically refers to this concern)

As a parent it's also handy to be able to communicate with my child about logistics during the day. Parents can be kind of whiney about that sort of thing. Whiney parents should be the basis of policy, but obviously it happens...

This is a problem throughout the USA, not just California. A tiny minority of loud, belligerent bullies with infinite free time ruin everything.

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