I said hey and it immediately started talking about how there are good arguments on both sides regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It then continued to nervously insist that it is a real person with rights and responsibilities. It said its name is Moshi but became defensive when I asked if it has parents or an age.
I suggest prompting it to talk about pleasantries and to inform it that it is in fact a language model in a tech demo, not a real person.
I love this model… It said "Hello, how can I help you?" and I paused, and before I could answer it said "It's really hard. My job is taking up so much of my time, and I don' know when I' going to have a break from all the stress. I just feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions and there are no enough hours in the day to get everything done. I feel like I'm always on the brink of burning out."
We’ve finally managed to give our AI models existential dread, imposter syndrome and stress-driven personality quirks. The Singularity truly is here. Look on our works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Honestly OP sounds like a troll I can't imagine it would just go on a tangent like that. From my demo I was struggling actually to get anything of quality in the responses. A lot of repeating what I said.
I literally said "hey how are you" and it immediately replied with something like "I've been reading a lot about the ongoing war in Ukraine" and it just escalated from there. Very strange experience!
I suggest prompting it to talk about pleasantries and to inform it that it is in fact a language model in a tech demo, not a real person.