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That's what I'd wonder about. I appreciate the comments about Narcan and the legalization of Pot but I'm still wondering.

I suppose to give weight to the idea that this the effect of greater availability of Narcan you could look at the number of users. Has it gone up or down?

Pot legalization would be trickier. Maybe rates of usage? Though you'd expect that to get up everywhere. Presumably you'd see a drop in opiate usage and a rise in pot usage.

I'm not sure how you'd quantify a shrink in the number of users because some percent realize the risk is too great - though shrinking number of users would be a clue.

If it's people prone to overdosing and dying having done so - I guess would look at the relationship between use rate and death rate. Is it the same? I'm not sure how you could differentiate (or if it matters) between people getting better and using the drugs and the deaths of people who did not use it successfully.

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