Spend more of my time and money on others who need it more. This past year has been an eye-opener for me when it comes to realizing how much people are struggling around the globe. Too much of our time now is spent on things we can't take with us to the grave while those around us continue to suffer.
or you can allow the goal to inject your present reality with new hope, enthusiasm, and motivation. Even though it seems like you’re setting goals for the future, you’re really setting goals for the present. The better you understand this, the more easily and enjoyably you’ll achieve your goals.
- http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/08/how-to-set-goals-yo...
Yes, a meta-resolution. When I want to get something done, I will break up the project into specific tasks that can be done in less than one day, and then make a written commitment about when I will finish that task.
If it's a big project, I can start by breaking off the early steps without figuring out all the steps at once.
The idea is to make myself take actual actions, no matter how paltry, rather than staying stuck in daydream mode.
My first actual resolution: create a text file on my desktop to store this list of to-dos, until I decide on a better approach. Due: 2008-12-31 13:15. Done!
Not really New Year's resolutions, but I am committed to 100 pressups by end of March and a Marathon in May. Both of these will take me at 33 to fitter than I was when I was an 18-year-old lifeguard.
The best thing about that resolution is that you have a way out. If you don't manage it, you could always just do a pressup a day to reach your goal of 100 ;-)
take one week off work every 3 months. I've taken a total of 13 days off in the last 3 years working 40 hours/week as a consultant and 15/week on my own stuff. I'm burnt out and my productivity has gone straight down the crapper
Never made resolutions. If I want to do something I just do it. If it don't I don't. If I want to improve myself I just tell people what I am trying to do and ask them to ensure I don't stray. Otherwise I always felt it is deceiving myself that I will miraculously change myself somehow.
Def working more on my own or oss projects... but gotta shamelessly plug our startup - http://www.ichange.com to help you change yourself with reminders and accountability from the community.