Those have at least the virtue of being on trend. It's not that these don't also make a fashion statement; it's that the content of the statement is "I decline to participate."
Not that I'm judging; I'd hardly be one to, certainly not these days when the most elaborate style I bother going for is "artsy graying homosexual" and even that not with any real commitment, aside from the graying part, which isn't up to me. But I was a classic when I was young, and while no one ever particularly mentioned my glasses adding to my looks that I recall, I believe I now know a way I could've had people mentioning they took a lot away from them. Make of it what you find it to be worth.
Not that I'm judging; I'd hardly be one to, certainly not these days when the most elaborate style I bother going for is "artsy graying homosexual" and even that not with any real commitment, aside from the graying part, which isn't up to me. But I was a classic when I was young, and while no one ever particularly mentioned my glasses adding to my looks that I recall, I believe I now know a way I could've had people mentioning they took a lot away from them. Make of it what you find it to be worth.