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> small differences were important enough to change the world unpredictable ways

I completely agree with this. I’m also in my 50s but I lean techno-optimist. Whenever there’s a new hype cycle, I’m looking for those small differences that might overcome the hurdles we’ve seen in the past. For example, the PicturePhone was demoed in 1964. Now we’re all on Zoom constantly. I’ve lived through many AI hype cycles. The current LLM craze is significantly different from past exuberance. LLMs aren’t perfect but they are remarkable when they work.

Sinclair C5 vs modern e-scooters and other lightweight e-mobility is another good example.

Same fundamental design approach, but needed another 25 years of improvement in battery and motor tech.

IIRC the first electric car was proposed in the 1920s or thereabouts.

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