| | Ask HN: news.yc without refreshing? | |
3 points by jmtame on Dec 31, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
| | I'm tired of refreshing news.ycombinator.com =] Can someone please build a reverse ajax script that just updates new stories, point changes, and number of comments in real-time? Perhaps a nice little graphic displayed (such as in XCode when you add a closing curly brace "}" in a method) to indicate the information has updated. |
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The only possible way to implement this technique is to create an iframe that will contain news.yc and refresh the iframe every single minute automatically using javascript. Then, the request will be made from your IP instead of my server. But, I believe that news.yc will refuse your request to the server eventually.
But, I do like to see YC implement this feature.